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The transport of your package

We do not make the shipment of our goods in counter-refund, and we reserve the right not to execute an order if the customer presents a financial risk. the entire product of the order will only be sent once, the deadlines to take into account is the product that announces the most distant date.

Shipping costs for metropolitan franc, only

In packagesimo

Weight home without signature Home with signature Point relay
Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc
0.25 5.11 6.13 5.97 7.17 4.1 4.92
0.5 5.76 6.91 6.61 7.93 4.78 5.74
0.75 6.43 7.72 7.29 8.75 5.49 6.59
1 6.98 8.38 7.84 9,41 6.07 7.28
2 7.83 9.4 8.69 10.43 6.96 8.35
3 8.59 10,31 9.45 11,34 7.75 9,30
4 9,37 11,24 10,23 12.28 8.57 10,28
5 10.12 12.14 10,98 13.18 9,36 11,23
6 10.6 12.72 11.45 13,74 9,86 11.83
7 11,33 13.6 12.19 14.63 10,63 12.76
8 12.07 14,49 12.93 15,52 11.4 13.68
9 12.83 15,40 13,69 16,43 12.21 14.65
10 13,58 16.3 14,44 17.3 12.99 15,59

By timepost at home

Weight Home before 13 france
Ht Ttc
0.00 - 1.00 12.5 15,00
1.00 - 2.00 13 15,60
2.00 - 3.00 13.5 16.2
3.00 - 4,00 14,00 16,80
4,00 - 5,00 14.5 17,40
5,00 - 6,00 15,00 18
6,00 - 7,00 15,50 18,60
7,00 - 8,00 16,00 19.2
8,00 - 9,00 16.5 19,80
9,00 - 10,00 17,00 20,40
10,00 - 11.00 17,70 21,24

PAR CHRONOPOST in relay point

Weight Relay before 13 france
Ht Ttc
0.00 - 1.00 8.5 10.2
1.00 - 2.00 9,00 10.8
2.00 - 3.00 9.5 11.4
3.00 - 4,00 10 12,00
4,00 - 5,00 10.5 12.6
5,00 - 6,00 11 13.2
6,00 - 7,00 11.5 13.8
7,00 - 8,00 12,00 14.4
8,00 - 9,00 12.5 15,00
9,00 - 10,00 13 15,60
10,00 - 11.00 13,70 16,44

-For any order of 200 euros and more : shipping costs offered

Shipping costs for Europe, the sea and the rest of the world:

In packagesimo with signature

Weight Europe zone 1 Europe zone 2 International Dom tom 1 Dom tom 2
Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc
0.5 9.5 11.4 11,74 14.09 25,94 31.13 13,09 15,71 19.21 23.05
1 11.2 13.44 14:26 17.11 28.68 34,42 16,78 20.14 23.76 28,51
2 12.5 15,00 15.95 19.14 39,32 47.18 22,63 27.16 36,97 44,36
3 13.2 15,84 17.38 20,86 49.96 59,95 28,48 34.18 52.06 62.47
4 14.2 17,04 19.14 22,97 57.26 68.71 33,09 39,71 62.89 75.47
5 15,60 18,72 20.92 25.1 61.11 73.33 38,40 46,08 76,00 91.2
6 15.9 19,08 27.55 33,06 78.13 93.76 46,02 55.22 93.18 111.82
7 16,60 19,92 29.12 34,94 90.45 108.54 51.87 62.24 106.86 128.23
8 17.2 20.64 30.58 36,70 100.21 120.25 55.19 66.23 115.32 138.38
9 18,50 22.2 32.05 38,46 104.43 125.32 60.78 72.94 128.42 154.1
10 19.2 23,04 33,50 40.2 109.64 131.57 66.38 79.66 141.52 169.82

In chronopost

Weight Europe zone 1 Europe zone 2 International Dom tom 1 Dom tom 2
Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc Ht Ttc
0.00 - 0.50 17,00 20,40 18 21,60 38,40 46,08 39.5 47.4 51,00 61.2
0.50 - 1.00 21,00 25.2 24,00 28,80 47.4 56.88 46,40 55.68 63 75.6
1.00 - 1.50 24,00 28,80 26,00 31.2 54.6 65.52 51.7 62.04 71.8 86.16
1.50 - 2.00 26,00 31.2 29,00 34.8 60.35 72.42 56,00 67.2 85.9 103.08
2.00 - 2.50 28,00 33,60 31 37.2 66.1 79.32 60.3 72.36 92.95 111.54
2.50 - 3.00 30.5 36,60 34,00 40.8 71.85 86.22 64.6 77.52 100,00 120,00
3.00 - 3.50 32.5 39,00 37.5 45,00 77.6 93.12 68.9 82.68 107.05 128.46
3.50 - 4,00 35,00 42,00 40,00 48,00 83.35 100.02 73.2 87,84 114.1 136.92
4,00 - 4.50 37,00 44,40 42,00 50.4 89.1 106.92 77.5 93 121.15 145.38
4.50 - 5,00 39,00 46.8 45,00 54,00 94.85 113.82 81.8 98.16 128.2 153.84
5,00 - 5.50 42,00 50.4 48,00 57.6 100.6 120.72 86.3 103.56 135.25 162.3
5.50 - 6.00 44,00 52.8 52,00 62.4 106.35 127.62 90.8 108.96 142.3 170.76
6,00 - 6.50 46,00 55.2 56,00 67.2 112.1 134.52 95.3 114.36 149.35 179.22
6.50 - 7,00 48.5 58.2 60,00 72,00 117.85 141.42 99.8 119.76 156.4 187.68
7,00 - 7,50 50,00 60,00 62,00 74.4 123.6 148.32 104.3 125.16 163.45 196,14
7,50 - 8,00 53,00 63.6 68,00 81.6 129.35 155.22 108.8 130.56 170.5 204.6
8,00 - 8.50 55,00 66,00 72,00 86.4 135.1 162.12 113.3 135.96 177,55 213.06
8,50 - 9,00 57,00 68.4 74,00 88.8 140.85 169.02 117.8 141.36 184.6 221.52
9,00 - 9,50 59,00 70.8 78,00 93.6 146.6 175.92 122.3 146.76 191.65 229.98
9,50 - 10,00 62,00 74.4 80,00 96,00 152.35 182.82 126.8 152.16 199.4 239.28

Nb:Delivery within 24 hours for any order placed before 12 hours. Otherwise, delivery postponed to the next day. for any order placed before 12 h on Friday, delivery made on Monday.

Method of shipping :
- 1 to 30 kg: mail
- Over 30 kg: consignment per carrier

Payment methods

Payment by bank card :As of January 1, 2012, we have been providing you with the secure online payment service for Sava. You can therefore now set directly and confidently by card on our website. Your order will be processed immediately and sent as soon as possible.

Secure payments by credit card : The proposed payment method is the secure payment ssl. This payment protocol is standard and recognized worldwide for the protection of data transmitted on the internet. the data provided on your card (number, validity date, etc.) are encrypted before sending to our payment server.

Payment by cheque : You can also pay by cheque. at the end of the validation of your order, you just need to print the order form and send it to us with your payment. However, your order will only be processed and sent upon receipt of your cheque, unlike a cb payment where the processing is done immediately. Finally, your check will only be cashed to the shipment of your order.

Payment by paypal : on web petanque, you can if you want to pay with paypal help. it is enough to have an account at paypal and to have provided it in advance. more information on the site www.paypal.fr

Attention: in the event of a refusal of payment following a debit (change of card, bank, lack of provision, etc.), the establishment of an injunction of payment to the competent courts will be carried out by our collection service.