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copy of Cap ODDEKA


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  • Discreet and unisex practical accessory
  • Material: Rubber
  • Keychain Oddeka for brand followers


Colour cap : White

To whom the keychain is destinedOddekaThe ?

The key door Oddeka is suitable for all players or petanque players, for it is a versatile accessory. Regardless of your game position at the petanque or whether you are a confirmed boulist, the keychain Oddeka is a must-have. The latter is perfectly suited to the followers of the brand, as well as to all the fondus of the pignet.

Why afford the keychain OddekaThe ?

As a reminder, the brand slogan Oddeka, it’s “the quality petanque”. So the first reason to choose the keychain Oddeka is that she is with excellent longevity. The keychain Oddeka is designed with very good quality rubber. Thanks to the material with which the key holder Oddeka is made, this accessory is well robust.

Second, the keychain Oddeka can bring style to your petanque outfit. With the form of an ellipse, the keychain Oddeka is black and white color. In addition to a homogeneous color, the key holder Oddeka hasthe contours to the colours of the french flag. Then it is also light, flexible and comfortable to wear. All these combinations, made of the keychain Oddeka a unique petanque accessory.

Third, the keychain Oddeka is one practical accessory, becausehe is with a metal ring. By name, the keychain Oddeka can be used to carry keys. But he can also be used to hang small objects, such as cards or badges.

Always in a practical aspect, the keychain Oddeka also offers a good grip. In addition, this accessory is as light, flexible and comfortable to wear. And an important point, as the keychain is made of rubber, it is ideal for allergy-sensitive people.

What are the characteristics of the keychain OddekaThe ?

Colour:Black and white

Formby Ellipse


Dimensions:6.5cm x 4.5cm

Featuring a metal ring

Easy to wear, light and comfortable

Offer a good grip

How to maintain this accessory?

Since the key door Oddeka is made of rubber, it is easy to maintain. However, it is advisable to clean it regularly, in order to preserve its longevity. To do this, it should be cleaned regularly with a soft cloth, warm water and soap. Afterwards, it is enough to let it dry in the open air. In addition, it is not advisable to clean the keychain Oddeka with corrosive cleaners.